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Competitor Website Analysis Tools by Semrush | Semrush

Website Competitor Analysis Tools

Uncover every aspect of your competitors’ online presence with these tools from Semrush.

Start Your Analysis
  • Traffic Analytics

    Benchmark your website traffic against your competitors’ with daily and weekly traffic data. See their traffic totals, top traffic sources, and more to inform your next strategy with website competitor analysis.

  • Organic Research

    Discover your organic search competitors and find opportunities to compete against them. Learn the value of the exact keywords they’re ranking for and highlight the gaps that even your rivals overlook.

  • Advertising Research

    Find your opportunities to beat the competition in paid search. Gather deep knowledge of the advertising landscape and detailed analysis of your competitors’ ads in minutes.

  • Social Media Tracker

    Analyze your competitors’ social media to keep tabs on your audience’s preferences and discover new ways to increase engagement.

Analyze Your Competitors’ Websites in Detail with Semrush Tools

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