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Domain Overview - Check domain visibility of any website | Semrush

Domain Overview

Quickly gather competitive insights on any domain’s online visibility.

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Get a Complete Analysis

Carry out deeper research with Semrush’s Domain Overview. You’ll find a comprehensive set of reports that give you a quick overview of any domain’s visibility on mobile and desktop devices. Just enter a domain and see how it performs through key metrics such as organic and paid traffic, backlinks, and display ads.
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  • Assess Any Domain’s Visibility

  • Find its Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Build Your Competitive Advantage

Organic Search

Find the most lucrative keywords that can bring you to the top of Google’s organic search. This domain report shows you which keywords a domain targets with SEO, how their rankings are distributed, and who else gets organic traffic from the same keywords. You can discover any website’s SEO competitors and do a full competitor analysis of their traffic, to create an informed SEO strategy.

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Paid Search Traffic

Get comprehensive information on a domain’s paid traffic to understand your niche’s advertising landscape. Estimate traffic cost and see the keywords that the domain advertises for with Google Ads. The reports also show the text ads that bring users to the website and the site’s paid traffic competitors.


Get an instant overview of any website’s backlink profile. See their Authority Score, top referring domains, most commonly used anchors, and the ratio of text, image, and other links types. Start your link building research here and dive into deeper Backlink Analytics reports.

Quickly assess any website’s online presence

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