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Keyword Gap Analysis tool to compare competitors' domains | Semrush

Keyword Gap Tool

Compare your keyword profile to competitors side by side to spot SEO gaps and new ranking opportunities.

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semrush keyword overlap seo gaps

Find the Keywords of Your Rivals that You're Missing in a Few Clicks

Run an in-depth competitor keyword analysis of desktop and mobile keywords of any domain, subdomain, subfolder, or URL
keyword comparison semrush

Benchmark of up to 5 Keyword Profiles

Enter your own and 4 other domains to find shared, unique, and untapped keywords for each of them.

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Search for Organic, Paid, and PLA keywords

Select a keyword type to analyze the corresponding search engine results or set up a specific type for each domain to compare their organic and paid search profiles.

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semrush keyword opportunities
semrush keyword gap filter

Sort Opportunities

Discover your top opportunities with Keyword Gap’s special widget or create your own filters to narrow or broaden the results of the analysis.

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Find Opportunities for Growth

Size up the visibility of your rivals, see how their profiles overlap, spot the keywords with low competition, and more
semrush keyword gap analysis tool

Go Down to the URL Level

You can compare content URL by URL. This also works for subfolders and subdomains, so you can find keywords to target with a specific piece.

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Leverage the Overlap

Estimate the overlap between the keyword portfolios of competing domains in the target niche.

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semrush keyword overlap
semrush keyword gap report

Choose Your Focus

Use the Missing and Weak keywords to plan your SEO campaigns.

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Visualize and Export Data

Download graphs and tables as .XLS or CSV files or send them to Semrush Keyword Manager to build your master list.

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exporting a keyword list from semrush

Uncover the keywords behind the success of your competitors

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