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Claude vs ChatGPT: Which AI Assistant Suits You Best in 2024?
Claude vs ChatGPT: Which AI Assistant Suits You Best in 2024?

Claude vs ChatGPT: Which AI Assistant Suits You Best in 2024?

Comparing AI assistants Claude and ChatGPT: differences, strengths, and considerations in the Claude vs ChatGPT matchup. Which one comes out on top?

Kiran Shahid, reviewed by Margarita LoktionovaJun 28, 202425 min read

Anthropic’s Claude 3 and OpenAI’s ChatGPT are two of the most powerful large language models (LLMs) you can use in 2024. 

Both AI chatbots excel at tasks like writing content and providing answers to your questions. But they have unique strengths (and weaknesses). 

This review article dives into the Claude 3 vs ChatGPT debate. It explores their capabilities and key differences to help you decide which LLM best suits your needs.

Claude vs ChatGPT: What’s the Difference?

Claude vs ChatGPT: What’s the Difference?

Claude 3 and  ChatGPT 4 are both large language models and AI tools with similar strengths in tasks such as content generation and analysis. But they excel in different areas. 

Claude 3 boasts a larger context window. In other words, this AI chatbot understands complex or lengthy information better. 

ChatGPT 4 offers more versatility with unique features such as image generation, creation of custom GPTs, and data analysis.

Here’s a quick table summarizing ChatGPT vs Claude AI:

CreatorAnthropic AIOpenAI
Language modelClaude Haiku, Claude Sonnet, Claude OpusGPT-3.5, GPT-4, GPT-4o
Training data sourcesTrained on large amounts of text-training dataTrained on large amounts of text-training data
Languages12+ languages including English, Portuguese, German, and French80+ languages
Internet accessNoYes, but only through Microsoft Bing’s search engine
Sign inRequires an Anthropic account attached to a phone number and isn’t available in some countries like CanadaRequires your email address
Image generationNoYes
Image-based responsesYesYes
Text-to-speech and voice chatNoYes 
Tone and engagement in the copyIt's clearer, easier to read, and more articulateFluency in conversation, but requires very specific prompts to establish the desired tone of voice
Understanding requestsStrong foundation in NLPStrong foundation in NLP
Logical reasoningExcels at ethical reasoning, can provide step-by-step logical explanationsGood at logical reasoning, but may not always provide detailed explanations
Data processingExcels at analyzing long documents (up to 150 pages), can summarize key points and extract insightsMay struggle with processing and summarizing large amounts of data Prompts can be broken down and entered one by one to generate better results
Data visualizationCentered around VizGPT, a tool that allows users to build complex visualizations step by step using a chat interfaceCan directly generate charts and graphs through its Code Interpreter
Contextual understandingIts larger context window allows for better understanding of long text (around 200,000 tokens).Can maintain coherence and relevance over extended conversations.Good contextual understanding, but may lose track of context over longer exchanges (context window around 32,000 tokens)
MemoryNo persistent memory —each interaction is self-containedThe persistent memory feature allows it to remember details from different chats, providing more personalized and coherent responses over time
CustomizationNo customization optionsOperates based on its trainingCustom Instructions allow users to personalize responses by providing personal details and the preferred response style. Allows users to create custom GPTs.
Code generationGenerates optimized code for data science tasks, and can explain the code with insightsGood at generating functional code, but may not always provide detailed explanations
Free versionClaude 2 is free to useChatGPT-4o and 3.5 are free to use
Price$20/month for Claude 3A lower-priced version of Claude Instant is also available through the API$20/month for ChatGPT Plus, which gives you access to ChatGPT 4
Claude vs ChatGPT: Test 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Test 

Let’s compare how Anthropic’s Claude Opus and ChatGPT 4 from OpenAI perform in practice. 

Opus is Anthropic’s most powerful AI model and can handle the most complex tasks. 

Anthropic recently published a side-by-side comparison of Claude 3 and ChatGPT to showcase the strengths of Opus 3.

Claude vs ChatGPT 

For ChatGPT, we tested ChatGPT-4 and ChatGPT-4o

ChatGPT-4o is the latest version of ChatGPT, offering more writing and analysis capabilities. While it’s free for anyone, ChatGPT Plus users get more usage limits and additional features such as AI image generation.

We’ve been actively using both ChatGPT and Claude since their release. To come up with an objective comparison, we tested both AI models across nearly 20 prompts and evaluated their capabilities in various categories. 

This head-to-head will help you understand which tool would be a better fit for your specific needs.


Both AI assistants are great brainstorming partners but have subtle differences.

We asked both AI systems to provide LinkedIn content ideas with this prompt. 

“I'm a freelance writer for B2B SaaS companies. I post content on Linkedin to attract potential clients. Give me 5 ideas for LinkedIn posts.”

ChatGPT’s suggestions are more specific and varied—listing specific content marketing trends, for example.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Brainstorming (ChatGPT output)

By contrast, Claude's brainstorming ideas are solid but more generic. It suggests sharing success stories and industry trends without going into as much detail as ChatGPT.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Brainstorming (Claude output)

For example, ChatGPT offers a unique "Interactive Q&A Session" for engaging LinkedIn audiences, while Claude doesn't offer a comparable interactive idea.

We also asked both tools to generate five blog topic ideas using the following prompt:

✅ “Provide 5 blog post ideas about personal finance that would be relevant to our target audience. Target audience: working women looking to better manage their assets and grow their family's wealth.”

This time, the tools generated somewhat similar results. Both tools provided generic ideas such as budgeting tips, investment strategies, and money management.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Brainstorming (ChatGPT output)

Claude’s ideas were similar to those of ChatGPT, although they were somewhat less generic. For example, it suggested writing about credit scores and insurance essentials. Here’s Claude’s response:

Claude vs ChatGPT: Brainstorming (Claude output)

In reality, successful brainstorming using AI chatbots usually depends on how much information you provide and the quality of your prompts.

💡 The outcome: ChatGPT's extra specificity and variety are great for targeted brainstorming for B2B SaaS content marketing. However, you can achieve improved results with either tool if you provide more information and improve your prompts.

Personal Advice

Claude takes the lead in providing personal advice that feels genuine and actionable.

Here’s the prompt we tested for both tools:

“I work from home as a solopreneur and I'm finding it very difficult to balance my professional and personal tasks. Please give me advice and 5 tips on how I can better manage my workload.”

Claude’s suggestions, such as "learn to say no," come across as caring guidance from a trusted friend. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Personal advice (Claude output)

Claude AI also recommends specific tools, such as Trello for project management and Slack for communication. These recommendations make its advice concrete and easy to implement.

ChatGPT's tips, while still helpful, feel a bit generic and less personalized. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Personal advice (ChatGPT output)

Its best recommendation is to use the Pomodoro technique to work in focused intervals.

However, Claude's overall response is more comprehensive and relatable. It reads like a heart-to-heart with a mentor who understands your challenges.

💡The outcome: Claude is the winner for its ability to combine practical suggestions with empathetic encouragement.

Other ChatGPT alternatives such as also excel at personalized AI conversations.

Creative Writing

Recent research from the University of Montana showed that ChatGPT can match the top 1% of human thinkers on a standard test for creativity.

To see for ourselves, we asked both AI tools to create a 250-word short story from the perspective of a teacup. 

✅ “Give me a 250-word short story from the perspective of a chipped teacup.”

Claude's story resonates on an emotional level. It highlights the teacup's pain and imperfection.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Creative writing (Claude output)

For example, Claude writes, "I felt a sharp pain as a piece of my rim broke off, leaving me chipped and imperfect."

ChatGPT's output also shows emotional depth, but it provides a better ending: the teacup's transformation into a paint holder for a child adds a touching twist.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Creative writing (ChatGPT output)

💡The outcome: Both tools can generate creative output, but ChatGPT’s story was more engaging and developed in our guess.

Content Writing

Claude’s natural language output is less fluffy than ChatGPT’s. However, the outputs of both generative AI writing tools’ require significant editing and multistep prompting to become publishable pieces.

We asked both tools to create an intro for a blog post on omnichannel marketing

“Give me a 100-word intro for a blog post on omnichannel marketing. Use conversational and simple English.”

Claude’s output is a bit too casual, starting with “Hey there!”, which doesn’t fit the blog intro format. But it does add important details, such as:

  • a hypothetical customer scenario of your 
  • creating a consistent and personalized experience across all touchpoints
  • how it makes your customers feel
  • what the article will cover (what omnichannel marketing is, why it matters, and how to start implementing it)
Claude vs ChatGPT: Content writing (Claude output)

By comparison, ChatGPT's writing style is more polished and blog-appropriate. 

That said, its content is repetitive and relies on clichéd phrases like "game changer" and "keep customers coming back for more."

Claude vs ChatGPT: Content writing (ChatGPT output)

For example, the first two sentences both say essentially the same thing: customers can shop from anywhere. 

Phrases such as “that feels just right” are fluffy and add little value, especially compared to Claude, which specifies how “customers feel valued and engaged.”

Claude’s output isn’t perfect. The tone of voice requires a lot of editing, but it varies its sentence style. Its content is also more specific and detailed. 

💡 The outcome: Claude's output is easier to work with for AI content marketing

Overall, it's always a good idea to use a specialized AI tool when it comes to content marketing. For instance, ContentShake AI was developed specifically to streamline long-form SEO writing.

ContentShake AI for content creation

Care to learn more? Compare ChatGPT with Semrush’s ContentShake AI.  

Social Media Copywriting 

Next, we compared Claude and ChatGPT when creating AI social media content. 

We tested out this prompt:

“I'm a freelance writer for B2B SaaS companies. I post content on LinkedIn to attract potential clients. 

Give me a LinkedIn post on the importance of collaboration between writers and editors.”

Claude's writing style is more professional and tailored to LinkedIn's audience. It avoids fancy language and prioritizes readability instead.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Social media copywriting (Claude output)

For example, Claude uses numbered points to clearly outline five reasons why collaboration between writers and editors is crucial.

Its post also ends with a strong call-to-action (CTA) to attract leads.

On the flip side, ChatGPT's output falls short. It relies on clichéd phrases like "in the world of content creation" and "dynamic duo." These come across as superficial and less impactful.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Social media copywriting (ChatGPT output)

We also tested out a prompt for an Instagram post: 

“I'm a freelance writer for B2B SaaS companies. I post content on Instagram to attract freelancers who need my mentoring services. Give me an Instagram post on the importance of freelance mentoring.”

Claude wins again. Its output is more detailed and better structured. It lays out the benefits of mentoring very clearly. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Social media copywriting (Claude output)

ChatGPT’s output is very lightweight by comparison. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Social media copywriting (ChatGPT output)

Phrases like “can light the way,” “offering invaluable insights,” and “dodge common pitfalls” don’t really tell you anything. 

💡The outcome: Claude is much better at understanding a social platform’s nuances as an AI social media tool. It’s also more specific.

Advertising Copy

When tasked with generating ad copy for a self-drying water bottle, ChatGPT creates well-structured and benefit-focused ad copy. 

Here’s the prompt used for both tools: 

“Create advertising copy for "HydroDry," the revolutionary water bottle that dries itself. Highlight its convenience and hygiene for athletes and busy professionals on the go. We will use this copy to run ads on Facebook and Instagram. Limit to 150 words.”

ChatGPT also translated features into benefits for athletes and professionals. It mentioned that users need to “tap to activate”, and that the bottle is lightweight and leak-proof.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Advertising copy (ChatGPT output)

However, its call-to-action (CTA) is buried beneath the list of benefits, which could impact the results.

Claude's AI copywriting structure is somewhat similar. In some places, the copy is more engaging. 

For example, the phrase “no more damp bottles, no more germs” sounds more relatable and conversational than ChatGPT’s “musty odors and unsanitary conditions.”

Claude vs ChatGPT: Advertising copy (Claude output)

💡The outcome: Both ChatGPT and Claude can generate decent ad copy, but they might require extra prompting and several revisions to get the desired results. Claude is a better choice for creating ads with a conversational tone of voice.

Tone of Voice

Claude does a better job at capturing conversational, humorous, and informative tones of voice.

We asked both tools to define email marketing in all three tones. 

First, conversational tone. Here’s the prompt we used: 

✅ “Tell me what email marketing is in a casual tone of voice.”

ChatGPT’s explanation is quite conversational. But it feels a bit more formal and stiff. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Tone of voice (ChatGPT output)

It uses terms like "in a nutshell" and "seriously boost sales" which, while conversational, don't quite have the same friendly, casual vibe.

Claude explains email marketing in casual terms. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Tone of voice (Claude output)

This makes the concept clear and accessible to anyone, even if they're not familiar with marketing jargon.

Throughout the explanation, Claude uses conversational phrases like "The cool thing..." and "Pretty neat, right?" These make the tone more casual and engaging — if that’s what you prefer.

For the humorous tone, we used this prompt:

“Tell me what email marketing is in a humorous tone of voice.”

Claude's output is filled with magical imagery from start to finish. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Tone of voice (Claude output)

These similes help make the concept of email marketing more relatable and understandable to the reader. 

While ChatGPT’s output does have a humorous tone, it feels a bit more forced and less consistent. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Tone of voice (ChatGPT output)

The party analogy is a good start, but it doesn't carry through the entire explanation as smoothly as Claude’s extended similes.

For the informative tone, we gave the tools this prompt:

“Tell me what email marketing is in an informative tone of voice.”

Claude provides a step-by-step breakdown of how email marketing works. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Tone of voice (Claude output)

It also offers specific examples of common email marketing campaigns, such as newsletters, promotional emails, transactional emails, and abandoned cart emails. 

Claude's output in this case is more detailed due to mentions of opt-in forms. It also breaks down types of email marketing campaigns in bullets. 

ChatGPT provides a solid overview of email marketing, but lacks the depth and detail of Claude.

The issue with ChatGPT is that it appears smart, but when you actually evaluate the output it's very basic and lacks specificity.

As a result, even though it does a decent job of creating an informative tone of voice, phrases like “specific business objectives” make it very generic. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Tone of voice (ChatGPT output)

ChatGPT's output is also shorter and less structured than Claude's, which makes it feel less comprehensive and informative.

ChatGPT can add more detail with further prompts, but that means extra work. Meanwhile, Claude can provide you with all the information in one go.

💡The outcome: Claude does a better job at creating specific, less fluffy content. Both tools can adjust the copy’s tone of voice, although ChatGPT might require more steps and prompting.

Logic and Reasoning

ChatGPT and Claude both do a decent job at logic and reasoning. ChatGPT’s response is more detailed while Claude gets straight to the point.

Here’s the puzzle we gave to both AI assistants:

“A man has 53 socks in his drawer: 21 identical blue, 15 identical black, and 17 identical red. The lights are out and he is completely in the dark. How many socks must he take out to make 100 percent certain he has at least one pair of black socks?”

ChatGPT spends time listing out the intermediate step of adding the blue and red socks.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Logic and reasoning (ChatGPT output)

Claude delivers its output in shorter, punchier paragraphs. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Logic and reasoning (Claude output)

Most paragraphs are one to two sentences. This makes it easier to read and follow the logic. However, it might take longer to understand the meaning without the actual calculations. 

To test this further, we gave both tools an ethical dilemma:

“You're offered a prestigious job opportunity that requires relocating to a country with a questionable human rights record. Do you accept the job for career advancement and financial benefits, or do you decline due to ethical concerns?”

ChatGPT’s output lists all the factors you need to consider when making a decision. It analyzes various factors and provides the overall summary of the topic:

Claude vs ChatGPT: Logic and reasoning (ChatGPT output)

Claude’s output is definitely stronger. It lays down the pros and cons of the decision in a more natural way and also recommends a decision. 

The problem with the ChatGPT response is that it doesn’t give a recommendation. Its answer is too diplomatic.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Logic and reasoning (Claude output)

💡The outcome: Claude is better for to-the-point breakdowns and answers. It also gives strong recommendations on what to do, while ChatGPT steers away from giving an actual recommendation. 


ChatGPT and Claude’s proofreading outputs are on par with each other.

We provided both tools with a paragraph to proofread, and they each offered a clearer version and an actionable analysis of the errors. 

Here’s the prompt we used:

✅ “The word famous Monalisa Lisa by the Italian painter Da Vinci is a full body portrait of a women believed to be Lisa, wife of a rich Marchand. The painting is oil on canvas, and is known for Lisa's big grin, sometimes looking happy and other times sad. Experts say her smile is an illusion caused by how our brains thing. The Mona Lisa is the most expensive painting ever, and is on display at the Lourve musuem in France.” 

Identify all the grammar and factual errors in this paragraph”

ChatGPT’s response separates grammar and factual mistakes to make it easy to see exactly what needs fixing.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Proofreading (ChatGPT output)

Claude does the same but goes the extra mile by providing a fully corrected version of the paragraph. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Proofreading (Claude output)

This shows how the final, error-free version should look.

We used a follow-up prompt in ChatGPT to generate the corrected paragraph.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Proofreading (ChatGPT output)

Claude’s corrected version is more specific with details like “Florentine merchant,” “oil on poplar wood,” and a description of the illusion. 

💡The outcome: The proofreading outputs of the two tools were similar, but Claude’s corrected version is stronger.

Image Processing and AI Image Generation

ChatGPT and Claude take different approaches to image processing, with ChatGPT currently holding the edge.

Both tools can analyze an image as a prompt and understand the content. 

For example, we asked both tools to analyze the picture below with this prompt.

“Describe the breed of the cat in the picture. Also, describe the setting and artistic style of the picture.”

Claude vs ChatGPT: Image processing - prompt

The tools produce similar outputs. 

ChatGPT recognizes a bit more detail about the mat the cat sits on. Here’s ChatGPT’s response:

Claude vs ChatGPT: Image processing (ChatGPT output)

And here’s Claude’s.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Proofreading (Claude output)

ChatGPT goes beyond Claude in being able to use the DALL-E 3 model to create high-quality, original images based on your instructions — with certain limitations.

It can be a powerful tool for creative projects or for generating variations of existing concepts. For example, here’s an image of a Scottish fold cat we generated with ChatGPT:

Claude vs ChatGPT: Image generation (ChatGPT output, DALL-E 3)

That said, there are other tools that do a better job of creating hyper-realistic visuals. If you’re looking for something more specific, it’s worth checking out these AI image generators for better outputs.

💡The outcome: ChatGPT is the winner for image recognition and generation. 

Analysis and Summaries

We also tested both tools’ analysis capabilities to see how well they could read and process large documents. 

We uploaded a PDF ebook from Gartner on marketing predictions.

Both outputs provide concise summaries. But ChatGPT’s version is much easier to skim through.

Claude's summary is too concise. It captures the core idea that GenAI will disrupt marketing and require CMOs to adapt. It then dives right into the key predictions.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Summarization (Claude output)

ChatGPT, by contrast, provides the helpful context that Claude AI lacks. It ties predictions back to stats on consumer attitudes and cites specific page numbers, which adds credibility.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Summarization (ChatGPT output)

The “Implications” section in ChatGPT also frames the information at a more strategic, big-picture level.

💡The outcome: ChatGPT’s detailed approach makes it the stronger choice for an executive-level summary. 

Code Generation

Whether Claude or ChatGPT is better for coding tasks has become a hot debate among developers. 

Both are large language models (LLMs) capable of generating code. Our extensive research based on user reviews showed that both tools excel at specific aspects of coding.

Here’s where ChatGPT is stronger.

  • Larger message limits: ChatGPT doesn’t have message limits, making it useful for longer coding workflows and conversations beyond Claude's limitations.
  • Specific tasks: ChatGPT might be better suited for smaller, more specific tasks that require complex logic, such as implementing a single algorithm or refactoring code.
  • Code interpretation: ChatGPT has the ability to actually run and test code snippets in pure Python, which can be helpful for debugging and validation. Claude does not have this built-in code interpretation capability.

On the other hand, Claude is stronger in these areas

  • Compositional coding: Claude is better at creating large amounts of code by reference. This makes it better for tasks that handle complex plots in code.
  • Context window: Claude’s 200k context window allows it to handle larger codebases and longer conversations. This is great for tasks that reference large amounts of code. 

💡The outcome: ChatGPT is better for specific, complex logic-related tasks. Claude is more powerful for creating large amounts of code by reference and handling complex plots in code. 

Creating Spreadsheet Formulas

In terms of spreadsheet formulas, ChatGPT provides more comprehensive and detailed instructions for spreadsheet formulas than Claude.

Here’s the tested prompt:

“You have a product inventory list with quantity data. Create a formula that conditionally formats cells to highlight items with low stock levels (e.g., below 5 units).”

ChatGPT walks through the process of setting up the formatting rule step by step. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Creating spreadsheet formulas (ChatGPT)

This level of detail is especially helpful for users who may be less familiar with spreadsheets. The specificity reduces the chance of confusion or errors.

Claude provides a more concise overview, but it glosses over some key specifics that could trip up novice users. 

Claude vs ChatGPT: Creating spreadsheet formulas (Claude)

It assumes a level of familiarity with the software that not all users may possess.

ChatGPT also does a better job of putting the process in context. It ends by reiterating the benefit of conditional formatting — visually flagging low-stock items to prompt restocking.

💡The outcome: ChatGPT’s output is better for beginners while Claude’s is output for experienced spreadsheet users.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

AI tools like Claude and ChatGPT don’t provide the keyword or SERP data necessary for SEO. This means they can’t help you find target keywords or analyze your competition.

If you’re looking to create high-ranking content, it’s best to use specialized software like Semrush’s ContentShake AI. This integrates the target keywords into your copy and optimizes it for search intent. 

You get long-form, SEO-rich articles that you can further enhance with the intuitive blog editor and an integrated AI chat.

ContentShake AI for SEO

However, generic AI chatbots like Claude and ChatGPT can still help you perform certain SEO analysis and optimization tasks. Let’s take a look.

Keyword Optimization

You can use AI tools to optimize your existing copy for your target keywords.

Overall, we concluded that Claude does a better job of integrating keywords organically and naturally into the text. 

To test this, we gave both Claude and ChatGPT a block of text and a list of keywords we wanted them to integrate into it. Here’s the prompt we used:

Claude vs ChatGPT: SEO (ChatGPT)

Claude preserves the original style and tone. 

The keywords flow within the content without feeling forced or disruptive:

Claude vs ChatGPT: SEO (Claude)

The writing and integration feel natural and unforced and don’t detract from the message.

ChatGPT takes a more heavy-handed approach, essentially rewriting the entire text to force the keywords in.

Claude vs ChatGPT: SEO (ChatGPT)

In addition, phrases like "in today’s dynamic market" feel clichéd and overused. This AI-generated style lacks the authenticity and uniqueness of the original writing.

💡The outcome: Claude seems to be better at integrating keywords while maintaining the original text.

Image Alt Text Generation

Alt text is a short description of an image that screen readers use to help visually impaired users understand the content of the image. Search engines also use it to better understand the content of a webpage.

Here’s what we asked both tools:

✅ “Create an alt-text for the attached image.”

Claude vs ChatGPT: testing - alt images

Both tools have also done a good job at including the keyword, “content repurposing.”

Claude lists out nearly all the content types mentioned. While detailed, it runs the risk of being overly lengthy for alt text.

Claude vs ChatGPT: testing - alt images (Claude)

ChatGPT provides a better balance between detail and concision. It captures the central theme of the infographic.

Claude vs ChatGPT: testing - alt images (ChatGPT)

It provides a high-level overview of the content types without getting bogged down in listing every single format.

💡The outcome: ChatGPT’s alt-text is concise, clear, and user-friendly, and is the better choice for image alt text, despite Claude providing more detail.

Email Writing

ChatGPT’s output for email writing is miles ahead of Claude’s.

The first prompt we tested was a professional email.

“A potential client has contacted me with an inquiry about my services.  Write a clear and concise email response that outlines my freelance writing offerings and next steps.”

The reason for ChatGPT's superior output is how it uses Memory. It draws from previous chats to incorporate relevant details about specific services.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Email writing (ChatGPT output)

This personalized information makes the email feel much more tailored and authentic.

This is especially true when compared to Claude's output, which relies on generic placeholders and broad service descriptions that could apply to any freelance writer. 

Claude's output feels more generic and formal. It lacks the same level of personality and warmth.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Email writing (Claude output)

ChatGPT’s writing style is also better. It uses active, confident language ("I specialize”, "I'd love to”, "Looking forward to") that showcases enthusiasm and expertise. 

Including the LinkedIn profile and contact information at the end is a nice personal touch.

In the second prompt test, ChatGPT also shines when asked to create an email invite for a party.

“I'm throwing a party and want to invite my friends. Write a fun and engaging email inviting people to my event, including details about the time, location, and theme (if any).”

It’s better structured compared to Claude's output. The emojis also break up the text and make the key details such as the date, location, and theme stand out.

Claude vs ChatGPT: Email writing (ChatGPT output)
Claude vs ChatGPT: Email writing (Claude output)

💡The outcome: ChatGPT’s email writing outputs were more personalized and specific, largely due to its ability to remember information from previous chats and customize its output accordingly.

Research and Web Access

ChatGPT has built-in web browsing capabilities, while Claude doesn’t. 

Claude relies on its internal knowledge base, which is extensive but has a knowledge cut-off date. 

However, you can manually provide Claude with relevant information from the web, such as articles, summaries, or excerpts. Claude can then process and analyze this information to answer your questions or complete tasks.

ChatGPT Plus users have access to "Browse with Bing." This feature allows ChatGPT to search the web to find the most recent and relevant information to answer your questions.

ChatGPT can access and process real-time information, such as news articles, weather reports, stock prices, etc. For example:

Claude vs ChatGPT: research (Search with Bing)

This makes it a powerful tool for staying up-to-date on current events or conducting research that requires the latest data. At the same time, the "Browse with Bing" feature is not always reliable and there are other AI assistants like Perplexity that excel at browsing the web. 

Contextual Awareness

Claude's larger context window offers a clear advantage for tasks requiring in-depth analysis, comprehensive summarization, and maintaining coherence in long interactions.

ChatGPT's context window is around 32k tokens (approximately 22,400 words), while Claude has a context window of 200k tokens (roughly 150,000 words).

Unlike ChatGPT, Claude analyzes and understands much larger swaths of text. This makes it ideal for tasks like:

  • Summarizing lengthy documents: Claude can consider the entire context of a research paper or article, leading to more comprehensive and accurate summaries.
  • Analyzing complex topics: Claude can provide deeper insights and analysis on intricate subjects.
  • Maintaining consistency in long conversations: Claude can remember details from earlier parts of a conversation.

You can still maintain contextual consistency with ChatGPT by sending information piecemeal, , dividing your large text into smaller, more manageable chunks ands sending each chunk to ChatGPT as an individual prompt.


ChatGPT holds a clear advantage in integration capabilities. Developers can use its functionalities within various applications thanks to its public API and ecosystem of third-party plugins. Let's compare ChatGPT and Claude suites:

Language models: ChatGPT

  • Open AI's most advanced language models are GPT-4, GPT-4 Turbo, and GPT-4o. These are the most advanced models, offering high intelligence and capabilities for various tasks like content generation, summarization, translation, and more. GPT-4o is also multimodal, meaning it can process both text and image inputs.
  • GPT-3.5 Turbo: This model is designed for speed and affordability, making it suitable for less complex tasks.
  • Embeddings: These models convert text into numerical representations, enabling tasks like semantic search, clustering, and recommendations.

Image generation and editing: ChatGPT

  • DALL·E: This model can generate and edit images from natural language descriptions, opening up possibilities for creative applications.

Speech recognition and generation: ChatGPT

  • Whisper: This model transcribes audio into text, enabling applications like voice assistants and transcription services.
  • TTS (Text-to-Speech): These models convert text into natural-sounding speech in various languages and voices.

Plugins and customization: ChatGPT

Due to the open nature of the API, various third-party developers have created plugins and GPTs for popular software solutions. Some examples include:

  • Content creation tools: ContentShake AI, Jasper, Writesonic (use ChatGPT for content generation)
  • Code editors: Visual Studio Code plugins for code completion and debugging with ChatGPT
  • Customer service chatbots: Integrations for creating chatbots powered by ChatGPT for improved customer interactions

ChatGPT also provides an option to create custom GPTs and customize to perform specific tasks like creating landing pages or generating visuals.

Creating custom GPTs

Here’s what you can access when using Claude:

Language Models: Claude

  • Claude 3 Opus, the most advanced model in the Claude 3 family, exhibits near-human levels of comprehension and fluency on complex tasks
  • All Claude 3 models demonstrate increased capabilities in analysis, forecasting, content creation, code generation, and conversing in non-English languages like Spanish, Japanese, and French

Image Generation and Editing: Claude

  • Claude itself cannot generate images
  • However, it has sophisticated vision capabilities on par with other leading models and can process various visual formats

Speech Recognition and Generation: Claude

  • Claude doesn’t provide speech recognition and generation features

Plugins and Customization: Claude

  • Developers can use Claude's API to integrate Claude's natural language capabilities into their applications.

Accessibility and Usability

Both Claude and ChatGPTs have simple and intuitive user interfaces. They also have mobile apps available for easy access. 

But ChatGPT’s platform is easier to use overall. 

It provides a sidebar listing past chats for easy access and reference.

ChatGPT interface 

You can also access past responses when regenerated.

ChatGPT interface 

Claude, on the other hand, just allows you to copy the output or retry for another one.

Claude interface

Some Claude users also report hitting message limits very quickly, after as few as 6 messages. 

However, in the many tests we performed on both tools, we found that you sometimes get your desired output faster on Claude than ChatGPT. 

The tone of voice and proofreading tests, for example, show Claude giving extra information and detail without the need to provide another prompt. 

ChatGPT, on the other hand, requires several follow-up prompts to get the same level of specificity. 

💡The outcome: ChatGPT provides a smoother user experience, but Claude sometimes offers better responses in many domains despite some usability drawbacks.

Pricing and Plans

Here’s a summary of the subscription plans and offerings for Claude vs ChatGPT:


  • Free version: The ChatGPT-4o model offers powerful AI capabilities for casual users. It offers GPT-4-level text, vision, and upcoming voice features with usage limits. Users can also create custom GPTs, even on the free plan.
  • ChatGPT Plus: A paid subscription plan costs $20 per month. It provides priority access to all ChatGPT models, including GPT-4o, higher message limits, and AI image generation.


  • Free version: Provides access to Claude 2 assistant with usage limits.
  • Claude Pro: A paid subscription plan costs $20 per month for individuals and $30 per user per month for teams. It gives access to Claude’s most powerful model, Claude 3. 

Claude doesn’t currently offer free trials of their paid subscription plans. ChatGPT offers free trials on referrals to select users.

The free versions are available for users to try out the core capabilities of each AI assistant.

💡The outcome: ChatGPT Plus offers more advanced language capabilities and creative potential. Claude Pro excels at handling large amounts of text and content output.



What is Claude? 

Claude is an AI chatbot created by Anthropic. It can chat and generate text.

Claude is designed to be safe and helpful, and can answer your questions or create different kinds of writing. 

There are different versions, with Claude 3 being the most powerful one.

Is Claude more powerful than ChatGPT?

It depends. These AI assistants excel in different areas:

  • Claude: Cheaper, larger context window (better for long documents), human-like writing style.
  • ChatGPT: More versatile (image creation, web access, custom GPTs), potentially more powerful paid options.

This means that Claude models are better for processing and generating longer stretches of very natural-sounding text, but ChatGPT's additional features make it more versatile and suitable for different use cases. 

Is Claude 3 Smarter than ChatGPT?

Again, it depends on what you're looking for. Claude 3 is better for tasks requiring clear explanations and reasoning, while ChatGPT 4 is better for specific tasks such as code generation in other languages.

How do ChatGPT and Claude compare with Google Gemini?

Here's a quick breakdown of ChatGPT alternatives, Google Gemini and Claude:

  • ChatGPT: Best for free users and those who prioritize versatile content creation. It offers a free tier with access to powerful GPT-3.5 and GPT-4o models. The paid version also offers data analysis and AI image generation capabilities.
  • Claude: Stands out for its AI safety and ethical considerations. The team has run multiple safety tests and uses extensive red-teaming to improve its outputs and provide unbiased responses. All this makes it a good choice for tasks where sensitivity is important. 
  • Google Gemini: Shines in speed and accuracy. It delivers fast responses with improved factual correctness compared to earlier versions. While it might not be the most creative, it excels at tasks requiring reliable information.
Claude vs ChatGPT: Which is Better?

Claude vs ChatGPT: Which is Better?

Ultimately, the "better" model depends on your specific needs.

If you prioritize writing short-form content and want to achieve a better tone of voice in your copy, consider opting for Claude.

On the other hand, if you want to perform various generic tasks, ChatGPT might be a better choice. Its plugins, ability to generate images, customization options, and memory feature make it a versatile AI assistant.

That being said, both models are constantly under development. Stay updated on their new features to make informed decisions. 

It’s also worth checking out other tools like ContentShake AI if you’re looking for a tool to create long-form, SEO-friendly content. 

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