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How to Schedule Your Social Media Posts Like a Pro
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How to Schedule Your Social Media Posts Like a Pro

How to Schedule Your Social Media Posts Like a Pro

Social Media is an increasingly popular platform that allows companies to expand their brand online. It’s a great way for you to easily build your brand awareness and help bring in more visitors.

In this workflow, we’ll be using some of the tools from the Semrush Social app. The app is an all-in-one solution that offers four powerful tools to simplify your social media routine. You can learn more about the Semrush Social app here.

Utilizing Social Media correctly can make all the difference in distancing yourself from your competition. Follow these next steps to learn how to schedule your social media posts like a pro!

Utilize Your Calendar

After setting up your Social Poster, you’re going to want to utilize the calendar to help set up your posts. With Social Media being such a fast-paced medium, being able to maintain a clear and organized schedule is incredibly useful.

Your Social Poster calendar can be viewed in a weekly or timeline view. This can help you easily understand your short-term and long-term plans.

An example of the Social Poster Calendar tab with a red rectangle highlighting the Month/Timeline switcher at the top-right of the table and a red arrow pointing to it.

When you decide to create a new post in your calendar, you have the option to post now, schedule, publish regularly, or save it as a draft. This gives you full control over your posts and lets you easily create content that can be utilized for a long-term plan.

Learn From Your Competitors

If you aren’t exactly sure where to start when it comes to posting on your social media platforms, you can look into some of the strategies of your competitors. Looking at your competitors is easy, all you need to do is enter them when configuring your Social Tracker. You are able to add up to 20 different competitors so you can analyze a wide range of different strategies that you could adopt.

Once entered, you can use the tabs within Social Tracker to analyze your competitor's social media strategy through each of their different platforms. You can analyze all of their profiles or narrow it down to a specific medium like specifically Twitter or Facebook.

You will be able to identify how frequently they are posting and see how much interaction they are receiving from their audience. You can see this data by navigating to any of the tabs in the report. Each tab is broken up into its specific social media platform.

Compare this data with your own to see the areas that you could look to improve.

How to Schedule Your Social Media Posts Like a Pro image 3 You can see the different types of posts they frequently use such as videos, photos, or links. This can help your own strategy by identifying what time of posts is popular within your target audience.

Make Sure Your Posts are Seen

No matter how frequently you are posting or how great your content is, if no one is seeing your posts it renders them useless. This is why you need to pay attention to when your audience is using their Social Media platforms and plan out your posts accordingly.

Within the Semrush Social is the Social Analytics tool, which can become your best friend. Social Analytics allows you to see your internal analytic metrics for your Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Instagram channels.

Not only will you be able to see analytics for your posts, such as total page likes, but you can also see when your audience is online. This is incredibly helpful because you can see exactly when your audience is most active.

Look at this information and plan out your posts accordingly. If you see that your audience is peaking on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, then you should try to have your most important posts go live at these times. This data is also broken down by hours, so you can really hammer home the perfectly timed post.

An example of the 'When does your audience go online?' widget in the Audience tab in the Social Analytics Facebook report.

Please note, that the "When does your audience go online?" widget is only available for Facebook and Instagram. 

After scheduling and planning your posts like a pro, next you can check out how to find and share content on social media.

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